Feb 16, 2010

!!Flowering Peyote!!

I was casually inspecting the fluff on my Lophophora Williamsii Var. Caespitosa for bugs, when I discovered a tiny little flower bud!!
I was (pathetically) excited! I have heard that Var. Caespitosas tend not to flower so often so this was even more of a treat!
The Pictures were taken in order of the bug emerging:

You may be able to just make out a growing bud!

The flower grew remarkably quickly for a Peyote! These pictures were taken only days apart!

The flower opened during daylight and was closed tight during the night. This was another remarkably quick responce to conditions from such a slow growing plant.
Interestingly the anthers are thigmotactic which means that they react to touch. When a possible pollinator touches them the anthers curl up causing the insect to be totally covered in pollen. This movement is said to be one of the fastest plant movements!

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